How Will DOJ’s Targeting of School Parents Influence the ‘24 Elections?

An internal FBI memo sent shock waves across the nation when the public learned that the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division had created a “threat tag” to assess and track school parents.  On September 29, 2021 the National School Boards Association (NBSA) sent a letter to the Biden administration comparing parents protesting public school COVID-19 policies, critical […]

How Public Schools Killed God

Government indoctrination masquerading as “education” has deliberately waged war on biblical religion, and the fruit is devastating America and its children by turning them away from God and Truth.  (Originally titled “Government Schools Vs. Christianity” by Alex Newman) From chanting to the Aztec deities of cannibalism and human sacrifice in California to forcing children to […]

‘We’re All Adults Here’: Actor Tom Hanks Blasts Censorship of Old Books

Actor Tom Hanks blasted old books being censored by cancel culture in order to appease modern sensibilities. He declared, “We’re all grownups here!” Hanks appeared on NBC News to promote his upcoming novel The Making of Another Major Motion Picture Masterpiece, and revealed that he refuses to censor anything just because it might be deemed offensive […]

Gov Doc Instructs Teachers: 7YOs Can be ‘Mixed Berry Gender Fluid Muffins’

Forget the House of Commons! What on earth is going on in the United Kingdom?? According to reports, a government document has instructed teachers in Wales that prepubescent children can be “mixed berry gender fluid muffins.” Let that sink in…teachers are being instructed that their kindergarten, first grade students are mixed berry gender fluid muffins. Not […]

Dr. Simone Gold: California’s Orwellian “Misinformation” Law

Join Frontline Doctors Founder, Simone Gold on FreedomTalk as she discusses California’s new Orwellian gag-order “Misinformation” Law, and how it threatens all of us. “It’s an obvious and direct attack on the First Amendment—freedom of speech—as well as the Fifth Amendment, which says an individual cannot be compelled by the government to provide incriminating information about […]