Liberal arts colleges have begun offering degrees in DEI as graduates seek to bolster their anti-white credentials.
Ridiculous liberal arts studies are plentiful, but that hasn’t stopped colleges from creating one more.
USA Today reports that at least half a dozen colleges are beginning to offer degrees in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). This comes as demand for DEI experts has grown in every sector of the economy.
Once seen as a sub-section of Human Resource Departments, activist organizations have amplified anti-white grievances, and businesses small and large have boosted their hiring in the field.
Mandatory diversity training began in the 1960s with the rise of affirmative action. However, many complained that the results of the training only lasted a few days. Reinforcing the prejudices among supporters of the training, a 2019 Harvard Business Review experimental study found that bias-focused training had little effect on white employees’ behavior.
Demand for DEI experts exploded after the death of George Floyd and the corporate embrace of the Black Lives Matter Movement. From May to September 2020, DEI job postings increased by 123 percent.
A survey conducted by Fortune and Deloitte in October 2020 showed that 96% of CEOs agreed that DEI was a personal strategic priority for them. Many corporate boards began adding the position of “Chief Diversity Officer.”
The manufactured demand for DEI experts also spawned a massive DEI consulting boon, both for existing consulting firms and new ones dedicated to bias training for whites.
To save money but placate the activists, corporations often outsource reeducation for whites to consultant groups who specialize in DEI.
Many see new, activist-inspired liberal arts degrees like queer studies as wastes of time and money by college students. This is often not the case if one considers job-placement opportunities.
Since 1977, the number of nonprofit organizations has more than quadrupled, according to the National Center for Charitable Statistics. Today, ten percent of the American workforce works for a nonprofit. According to The Nonprofit Quarterly, the proliferation of nonprofits has occurred largely as a replacement of labor unions and civic organizations that served as the vanguard of American leftism during the 20th century.
The number of university administrators has also exploded. In fact, according to Ohio University Economics Professor Richard Vedder, at a typical university in the United States, there are more administrators than professors. This creates additional job opportunities for activist graduates
The rise of affirmative action created demand for expanded human resources departments in government, academia, and corporations. Unsatisfied, demonstrators and lobbyists pressured corporations to create or expand DEI training. This created demand for on-staff or third-party DEI experts—which created demand for universities to make separate degree programs for aspiring DEI experts. The rise of DEI has, thereby, created a guaranteed, comfortable education-to-career funnel for anti-white, rent-seeking activists.
This news and commentary by Jacob Grandstaff originally appeared on Valiant News.