Support Independent Journalism

Independent journalists are the greatest weapon against tyrants. I work for your freedom every day, refuting woke lies and sowing TRUTH back into the nation’s culture.  And along with my fellow small platforms, I’m nearly impossible to cancel, because I’m not beholden to any corporation or interest group.
That’s why I’m asking you contribute just $5 a month if you appreciate my work.
If you’re wondering what the heck you can do to fight for all you value, pitch in $5 (or more). It makes a huge difference in restoring American values!
Freedom Fighter: $5/mo. As Teddy Roosevelt wrote, “Do what you can, with what you’ve got, where you are.” 
Patriot:  $10/mo. If you’re able to do a little more, it helps us put some power behind the punch. 
Founding Father: $50/mo.  Your generous support puts fuel in our tank as we drive America back to greatness. Includes free access to our premium content.
Custom Amount: If you have another amount in mind, you can donate to our GiveSendGo account. Rest assured, we will put these funds to good use!