House Intel. Chair Turner: Silence on UFO Shootings Show ‘Biden Doesn’t Know What He’s Doing’

On Monday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Your World” and discussed the radio silence on the three objects shot down by the United States this past week.

Turner stated that the administration’s lack of explanation “just shows you that the administration really doesn’t have any idea what they’re doing here. They’re being reactive. They’re reacting to the criticism that they’ve received. They don’t have a policy.”

FNC host Neil Cavuto asked, “Have you had any briefings since concerning these other objects?”

Turner replied, “No. And it is absolutely frustrating, because obviously, there — our committee and our members and our staff have ways of communicating with the administration.”

He continued, “We’re the committee that is supposed to be receiving the intelligence that’s being generated, the notifications from the administration to Congress that are official about these types of threats.

And we’re not hearing anything, which just shows you that the administration really doesn’t have any idea what they’re doing here. They’re being reactive.

They’re reacting to the criticism that they’ve received. They don’t have a policy. And now they may be being trigger-happy. But, quite frankly, I’d rather them be trigger-happy than the permissive environment that they allowed when the Chinese balloon completed its mission across the United States.”


So Biden went from allowing a Chinese spy ballon to float across the country for several days before he would shoot it down to suddenly shooting down three UFOs in the matter of days?

What changed? What is different about these objects being shot down on the spot versus the spy balloon? And why is the very committee that is supposed to be receiving the intelligence on these threats not receiving any information on it at all?

There is something extremely sketchy going on here. Every day I find myself with more questions than answers.


On Key

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