Fauci Declares ‘Our Society Is Becoming Anti-Science’

Dr. Anthony Fauci the “rat” appeared on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Tuesday and declared that our society is becoming “anti-science” because social media is normalizing “untruths.”

The only “untruths” about science that I know have been pushed for the last three years are the ones told by him and his liberal cronies who pushed false information about COVID, shut down our economy, and mandated a toxic mRNA vaccine.

Mitchell asked, “With the rise of disinformation and misinformation, are we developing an anti-science animus in society?”

Fauci replied, “The answer is yes. The short answer to your question.”

He added, “But the other thing is that there is so much misinformation that we were experiencing the normalization of untruths. There is so much disinformation that spreads predominately through social media that people just get so used to the untruth that it becomes normalized, which is really bad because then you don’t push back against it. You say that is just the way it is. That would be a terrible blow to society, and I believe to our democracy if all of a sudden people say, ‘Well, with the use? There’s so much on truth out there we might as well not even push back on it. It’s hopeless.’ We’ve got to not accept the normalization of untruths.”



There is a reason Fauci is the OUTGOING director for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and a reason Twitter CEO Elon Musk is calling for his prosecution….

“My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” Musk tweeted on Sunday. “Truth resonates …”

The TESLA CEO also declared that Fauci “lied to Congress and funded gain-of-function research that killed millions of people,” and revealed that he will be releasing evidence that could finally land Fauci behind bars.

The White House has since blasted Musk, claiming that his criticism of Fauci is “dangerous”:

“As you know,” a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre, “Musk launched a series of attacks on over the weekend calling for prosecution. And then he shared some other memes about him and suggesting he lied about and is lying about the origins of the coronavirus. What’s your response? First of all, specifically to the attacks on Dr. Fauci and second, how is your view of Twitter as a public forum for yourself and the president and many other officials here.

“So we’ve been very clear about this. These attacks these personal attacks that we’ve been seeing are dangerous, on Dr. Fauci and other public health professionals as well,” she replied. “They are disgusting and they are divorced from reality. And we will continue to call that out and be very clear about that. Again, these are incredibly dangerous, these personal attacks that we’re seeing.”

Sounds to me like the Biden Administration is just nervous because they know it all leads back to them…


On Key

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