‘White on White’ Violence: Whoopi Repeats Narrative that Holocaust Wasn’t ‘Racial’

Earlier this year, ‘The View’ co-host Whoopi Goldberg was suspended for making claims that the Holocaust was “not about race” but rather “about man’s inhumanity to man.” She added that it wasn’t about race because Nazis and Jews were “two white groups of people.”


One day after her atrocious claims, she attempted to save face with an apology: “Yesterday on the show I misspoke. [The Holocaust] is indeed about race, because Hitler and the Nazis considered the Jews to be an inferior race. Now, words matter, and mine are no exception. I regret my comments and I stand corrected. I also stand with the Jewish people.”

However, she was will suspended for two weeks for her “wrong and hurtful comments,” ABC President Kim Godwin announced. “The entire ABC News organization stands in solidarity with our Jewish colleagues, friends, family and communities.”

Apparently Goldberg did not learn her lesson though, as she repeated the lie once again over the weekend during an interview with the Sunday Times. 

“Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical. They were killing people they considered to be mentally defective. And then they made this decision,” Goldberg said.

The interviewer noted that Nazis did not see the Jews as white people, but rather a subhuman race, to which Goldberg replied, “Yes, but that’s the killer, isn’t it?”

“The oppressor is telling you what you are,” she continued.” Why are you believing them? They’re Nazis. Why believe what they’re saying?”

“It doesn’t change the fact that you could not tell a Jew on a street,” Goldberg argued.

“You could find me. You couldn’t find them. That was the point I was making,” she added.

People are now calling her out, again, for her insensitive and anti-semantic comments:

“So, after supposed ‘apology’ earlier in year, Whoopi Goldberg doubles down on her vile remarks that the Holocaust was not about race, and instead ‘white on white’ violence. Someone get this ignorant fool off the air!” wrote International Legal Forum CEO Arsen Ostrovsky.

“Once again Whoopi insists on dismissing the Holocaust as a mere white-on-white crime, rather than the industrial-scale murder of Europe’s Jews. #Antisemitism — history’s oldest and most toxic hatred — is surging, but Whoopi is determined to trivialize it,” Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby said.

Author and Holocaust survivor Lucy Lipiner blasted Goldberg for continuously using the genocidal horrors she lived through as a “punching bag.”

“Whoopi Goldberg continues to use the Holocaust as her punching bag. We told her that her comments harm us and she simply doesn’t care,” Lipiner, wrote.

“I survived the Nazis and the Holocaust,” she added, “so I’ll be damned if I let a comedy has-been, peddling a fake Jewish name get the better of me.”

Newsweek contributor Joel Petlin argued, “Accepting apologies from some people who spew Antisemitic garbage is the triumph of hope over experience. We know that the Antisemitism will likely reoccur, but we still hope that they learned something along the way. Alas Whoopi just learned she could get away with it. Again.”

Even Democrat Rep. Ritchie Torres said, “Antisemitism is anti-Jewish racism. Period. Claiming the Holocaust had nothing to do with racism is historical revisionism at its worst.”


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