VP Harris Wants to Force Tech Companies to ‘Work with Government’

Vice President Kamala Harris is showing just how authoritarian she really is…

During an interview NPR aired on Monday’s “All Things Considered,” White House Correspondent Asma Khalid asked Harris about whether or not Twitter could reach a point that would make her decide to stop using the platform.

Harris did not directly answer the question, but rather stated that she “expects” and “would require,” tech companies to “work with us who are concerned about national security, concerned about upholding and protecting our democracy,” and do all they can to prevent “a manipulation that is allowed or overlooked” which could disrupt “the security of our democracy and our nation.”

Yikes. In other words, “Let’s keep using the FBI to manipulate big tech to censor our crimes.”

She wants to force private companies to do what Democrats say and only share the information that Democrats approve, OR ELSE…

Harris told Khalid, “So, what I would say about any social media site is this: I fully expect and would require that leaders in that sector cooperate and work with us who are concerned about national security, concerned about upholding and protecting our democracy, to do everything in their power to ensure that there is not a manipulation that is allowed or overlooked that is done with the intention of upending the security of our democracy and our nation.”

And what do you call a government that forces private companies to work with the government? Hmm…


Holy overreach, Batman! The only “manipulation” happening here is the fact that Democrats worked alongside social media sites to censor information during the 2020 presidential election. They couldn’t stand the thought of former President Donald Trump having a second term, so they did all they could to sabotage it.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk released “Twitter Files” proving that the collusion and censorship that took place during the election.

So perhaps Harris’ statement is a warning shot at Musk…. a threat for him to bend the knee as she “expects,” or suffer the consequences.


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