VIDEO: Trump Blasts Biden’s ‘Pro-China’ Economics, Reveals Pro-America Agenda

45th President Donald Trump has released a 2024 presidential campaign announcement outlining his plans for pro-America trade and manufacturing policies.

The former president’s efforts will be mainly focused on replacing the Biden administration’s current trade policies that, according to Trump, punish domestic producers and reward outsourcers.

“Biden’s pro-China economic program puts America last and is killing our country,” said the 45th President. “My cutting-edge trade agenda will revitalize our economy by once again putting America first. We will quickly become a manufacturing powerhouse like the world has never seen before.”

Watch President Trump on

“The Biden agenda taxes America to build up China. My agenda will tax China to build up America,” President Trump said.

One component of the 45th President’s new trade platform includes the establishment of universal baseline tariffs, which his campaign says will involve rewarding domestic producers and taxing foreign companies.

“The Biden administration’s globalist policies sell out American citizens and result in a windfall for foreign countries,” an official press release from the Trump campaign states. “As tariffs on foreign countries go up, taxes on American workers, families, and businesses can come down.”

President Trump’s new policies additionally aim to end America’s reliance on China by revoking the communist nation’s Most Favored Nation trade status and adopting a 4-year plan to phase out Chinese imports of essential goods, including electronics, steel, and pharmaceuticals.

“This will include strong protections to ensure China cannot circumvent restrictions by passing goods through conduit countries,” the Trump campaign said.

The second Trump administration, if elected in 2024, would also implement new rules to prevent American companies from investing in China and ban federal contracts for companies who outsource to them.

“Under Biden and the Democrats, American wealth and jobs are being exported to China,” the press release states.

The 45th President also plans to launch a new Strategic National Manufacturing Initiative “rebalance the global trading system and dramatically strengthen America.”

“President Trump will build on his historic success in abolishing NAFTA, which Joe Biden voted for, after which 60,000 factories closed and 4.5 million manufacturing jobs were lost. President Trump replaced NAFTA with the USMCA, a historic breakthrough in leveling the playing field for American workers, farmers, and manufacturers.”

Among other policy positions, the 45th President aims to restore law and order, make America energy independent, thwart administrative non-compliance, stand up to the globalist “National Security Industrial Complex,” hunt down Chinese spies, fight for free speech, and end illegal immigration.


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