Undercover Video: State Official Says ‘Parental Rights END When You Send Your Kids to Public School’

A new undercover video is sending shock waves through residents of New Mexico, which shows state officials training teachers and school boards that parents no longer have any rights when it comes to their children if they send them to public school.

That explains why parents have been largely ignored when raising concerns about critical race theory, transgender indoctrination, masking children, school lockdowns, and more.

“Parental rights end when you decide to send your kids to public school,” stated attorney, Andrew Sanchez, who recently led a training session for New Mexico teachers and school board members in Bernalillo County.

Sanchez (pictured below) trashed religious freedom, attacked the founding fathers, and even mocked parents.

He asserted that the radical left ideology being taught in schools is “simply civic and patriotic values common to all Americans of equity, justice, and equal treatments.

You’re supposed to be making Americans who at some point, later on, can decide what political affiliation they want.”

Sanchez even went as far as to imply that schools are teaching this ideology in order to replace values being taught by parents at home so that they will vote “appropriately” when they are adults.

He said, “What you teach this generation that will soon be voting are going to be instrumental to the future of us as a democracy and as society goes forward.”

Big yikes.

Check it out:


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