Chelsea Handler: ‘Every Politician Voting Against Gun Reform Is a Murderer’

Far left comedian Chelsea Handler is pushing gun control, once again, in the wake of the deadly Christian school shooting on Monday in Nashville, Tennessee.

The shooting left three teachers and three students dead. Police killed the 28-year-old transgender shooter on the scene as well. Instead of addressing mental health, or the fact that this was a literal hate crime, Handler attacked guns and the NRA.

The comedian accused ANY politician who votes in line with protecting the 2nd Amendment, rather than in favor of gun control, is an actual murderer.

“Every politician who votes against gun reform is a murderer,” she tweeted on Tuesday. “Watching children get shot and taking money from the NRA  is a crime against humanity, Same people who denied climate change, because ‘it’s not a problem.’  Well, look at us all now.”

Yes, I am sure she will convert so many people with that rhetoric.

She is not the only Hollywood twat-waffle to jump in on the anti-gun push. Rob Reiner also blamed GOP lawmakers who “care more about donations from the gun lobby than the slaughter of our children.”

Star Trek actor George Takei blamed the shooting on “Republicans.”

NBC’s The West Wing star Bradley Whitford declared that anyone who supports the Second Amendment is in a “death cult.”

These people are so far out of touch with reality. It was not a Republican shooter. Heck, the woman didn’t even identify as a woman! She thought she was a man! Not to mention her own mother is a gun control advocate.

So how exactly is this the fault of the Republicans? Perhaps if the left didn’t continue pushing for inclusiveness when it comes to transgendered people, and fought for them to get the help they actually need, then this wouldn’t even be an issue.


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