TRUMP: I Will ‘Be Arrested on Tuesday,’ It’s Time to ‘Protest, Take Our Nation Back’

45th President Donald Trump issued a statement warning that he expects to be arrested this upcoming Tuesday, and asking his supporters to “protest” and “take our nation back” in the next election.

Following rumors that Manhattan District Attorney is planning to arrest Trump next week, the 45th President claimed to have been tipped off to an upcoming arrest which will take place on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

Trump began his statement by condemning the state of the United States: “Our nation is now third world and dying,” wrote Trump. “The American dream is dead!”

“The radical left anarchists have stolen our presidential election, and with it, the heart of our country,” Trump added.

In the second part of his statement, Trump said he expects to be arrested by Democrat-dominated law enforcement next week.

“Now illegal leaks from a corrupt & highly political Manhattan District Attorneys office,” wrote Trump, noting that the Attorney General received financial support from George Soros, “indicate that, with no crime being able to be proven, & based on old & fully debunked fairy tale,” he is to be arrested.

“The far & away leading Republicann candidate & former president of the United States of America, will be arrested on Tuesday of next week.”

“Protest,” Trump encouraged. “Take our nation back!”

Some say Trump’s post calling for protests is reminiscent of his tweets posted in the days leading up to January 6 and on the day itself, when Trump invited millions of supporters to Washington, D.C. for what was meant to be a peaceful, if “wild,” rally.

According to CNN, the far left cable network which seems to have advanced knowledge of next week’s law enforcement action, there is already a plan concocted between the Manhattan District Attorney’s office and taxpayer-funded Secret Service:

Trump’s US Secret Service detail would deliver him to the Manhattan district attorney’s office for fingerprinting and then taking mugshots in offices of the district attorney’s detective squad. As is customary in cases where a defendant is allowed to voluntarily surrender, after arrest processing, the former president would be brought directly to an arraignment before a judge where he would likely be released on his own recognizance.

Previously, when such an arrest was still considered highly hypothetical, Trump predicted that such an unprecedented action would increase his poll numbers and raise his support within the Republican Party.

This news and commentary by Tom Pappert originally appeared on Valiant News.


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