‘People’s CDC’ Health Advocacy Group Wants Mask Mandates ‘Forever’

A borderline Marxist group, self-proclaimed as the “People’s CDC,” is demanding that mask mandates continue indefinitely because America’s relaxed pandemic policies are “racist.”

The People’s CDC is described by the New Yorker as a “ragtag coalition of academics, doctors, activists, and artists who believe that the government has left them to fend for themselves.”

Founded by Professor Mindy Thompson Fullilove, the group portrays themselves as being science-oriented, yet make outlandish claims that are not backed by science.

The group believes that relaxed pandemic policies are only to appease corporate interests under President Joe Biden, while also claiming that the policies are racist.

The People’s C.D.C. strongly supports mask mandates, and they have called on federal, state, and local governments to put them back in place, arguing that “the vaccine-only strategy promoted by the CDC is insufficient.” The group has noted that resistance to masks is most common among white people: Lucky Tran, who organizes the coalition’s media team, recently tweeted a YouGov survey supporting this, and wrote that “a lot of anti-mask sentiment is deeply embedded in white supremacy.”

This kind of accusation is common for the People’s C.D.C. Their messaging has the unmistakable inflection of activist-speak, marked by a willingness to make eye-popping claims about the motivations of politicians, corporations, or anyone in power. “To name it clearly, the CDC’s policies are eugenic,” the Weather Report team wrote, in August. “They rely on and promote the indefensible stance that disabled and elderly, poor and working class people are disposable, unworthy of care, and unworthy of participation in society.” Eugenic policies have a long and ugly history, commonly associated with the Nazis, white supremacists, and others who advocate the racial purification of humanity. I asked Thill whether she truly believes that the C.D.C. is eugenicist, along these lines. “Just because a charge is difficult or impactful doesn’t make it a wrong charge,” she said.

The group does not want people to have free will when it comes to coronavirus and masking because it essentially means that some people will have to “stay inside forever.”

Brooklyn family physician Zoey Thill said during a Zoom call, “When we say, ‘Do your individual risk assessment and plan accordingly,’ that says to certain people, ‘Stay inside forever—for fucking ever!’ ” she continued. “For me, it’s about countering that. It’s about saying, ‘No, that’s not O.K.’”

Member Jirmanus Saba, added that “there’s no acceptable number of deaths,” and that “we’re all responsible for the safety of all life.”



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