Nearly 300k Maricopa County Voters ‘Checked In But Didn’t Vote’ Amidst Tabulator, Printer Issues On Election Day – REPORT

Close to 300,000 voters who checked in to vote in Maricopa County, Arizona were unable to cast their vote as roughly half of all voting centers the state’s largest county experienced widespread issues with tabulation machines and printers on Election Day, election integrity advocates claim.

According to numerous reports, Maricopa County election officials reported that over 540,000 voters visited any one of the 223 voting centers throughout the county on the day of the election.

After the controversial issue-plagued election took place, the county reported that only 248,070 Election Day ballots were counted — leading some to believe that 291,930 Election Day votes were never tallied as nearly half of all election centers in Maricopa experienced “printer or tabulator malfunctions.”

The shocking numbers were reportedly sourced from the Maricopa County Elections Department website, which apparently stated that “On Election Day, over 540,000 voters visited a site, which is more Election Day voters than all prior General Elections since 2008.”

According to the county’s final election results, only 248,070 Election Day votes were counted.

Valiant News previously reported on numerous Arizonans who testify that they had experienced voting issues, irregularities, and other discrepancies on Election Day.

Some of the individuals argue that these issues caused the widespread disenfranchisement of Republican voters.

Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake recently warned Arizona’s Republican Governor Doug Ducey against certifying the results of the state’s controversial gubernatorial election and remains confident that she is the true victor.

“This is just beyond 2020. I mean what they did in 2020, looks like they did it again, and then some,” Lake said during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast.

“And for the Governor (@DougDucey), if he says he’s going to certify this, and @KatieHobbs to certify this, I think they better think long and hard,” Lake said.

Several mainstream media outlets have called the race for Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs despite numerous reports of widespread voting and tabulation issues on election day.

“Arizonans have no Faith & Trust in our Elections. Our Election Officials are incompetent (…or worse). They have failed us. The Fake News ignores our Fake Elections and expect us to just ‘move on.’ We won’t. America will NOT survive if we don’t demand Election Reform NOW,” Lake wrote in a post to Truth Social on Sunday.

Kari Lake speaking with supporters at a “Stand for Freedom” rally at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Scottsdale Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. (Gage Skidmore / Flickr)

45th President Donald Trump, who has consistently maintained that a similar “rigged election” in November 2020 prevented him from securing a second term, has taken to Lake’s defense in calling out election inconsistencies in Arizona.

“Massive numbers of ‘BROKEN’ voting machines in Republican Districts on Election Day. Mechanics sent in to ‘FIX’ them made them worse. Kari had to be taken to a Democrat area, which was working perfectly, to vote. Her opponent ran the Election. This is yet another criminal voting operation – SO OBVIOUS,” the former President wrote on Truth Social this weekend.

“Kari Lake should be installed Governor of Arizona. This is almost as bad as the 2020 Presidential Election, which the Unselect Committee refuses to touch because they know it was Fraudulent!”


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