Nancy Pelosi Verbally PUMMELED at NYC Event – ‘Sad Old Drunk! War Criminal!’

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared for a speech in Manhattan on Monday evening with New York Times economist Paul Krugman, when she was absolutely OWNED by the audience. Multiple people yelled out, heckling her during her presentation.

“I came to see a warmonger, but you’re a sad old drunk,” one person shouted.

Another joined in, “You know Pelosi, that’s a very good place for you in the depths of hell.”

They added, “You lied us into war in Iraq. You got us to invade Afghanistan… People like you should be arrested! You are a war criminal!”

Shew. What a warm welcome, eh? They weren’t wrong though.

Check it out:

The comments didn’t stop there though. Once the video made it on social media, people started blasting her on there too.

One person tweeted, “I would’ve applauded these brave protesters if I were in that audience. They give hope that there are smart, caring, passionate Americans out there still willing to take on the dem warmongers. And instead, the audience is booing them.”

Another wrote, “These evil people need to be called out every time. Pelosi is an evil corrupt traitor.”

One twitter user said, “This needs to happen all the time. They need to be called out on their hypocrisy and corruption,” and a follower replied, “[W]e have all been complacent for so long..I don’t want to say it’s too late but lockdowns=too late.”

“Welcome to Communist America where you are not allowed to call out corrupt drunk politicians,” said yet another.

Perhaps my favorite response was from Liz Churchill, who shared a recent video of Pelosi referring to Hillary Clinton as “Ms. President,” and added that “she was likely drunk.”

There are many videos of Pelosi seemingly drunk, so this just fit in perfectly with her being called a drunk at her own speaking event.

Churchill wrote, “Judge Napolatino has stated according to high-level Democrat Operatives that Hillary Clinton is targeting Trump in an effort to be on the ballot with Biden…where he’ll step down soon after. Two days ago, Pelosi called Clinton Ms. President, however; she was likely drunk.”



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