Long Time Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow Announces Retirement

After more than 20 years in the Senate, Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow is finally retiring from office. She tweeted that she will not be seeking re-election, which opens up her seat in a battleground state.

“Inspired by a new generation of leaders, I have decided to pass the torch in the U.S. Senate. I am announcing today that I will not seek re-election and will leave the U.S. Senate at the end of my term on January 3, 2025,” the career politician announced on Thursday.

“Under the cloud of unprecedented threats to our democracy and our basic freedoms, a record-breaking number of people voted last year in Michigan. Young people showed up like never before. This was a very hopeful sign for our future,” Stabenow said. “I am proud that my accomplishments have made a difference in people’s lives and created a strong foundation for a healthy and prosperous future for our state.”

“For the next two years, I am intensely focused on continuing this important work to improve the lives of Michiganders. This includes leading the passage of the next five-year Farm Bill which determines our nation’s food and agriculture policies. It is also key in protecting our land and water and creating jobs in our rural and urban communities,” she continued.

“When my term ends, I intend to begin a new chapter in my life that includes continuing to serve our State outside of elected office while spending precious time with my amazing 96-year-old mom and my wonderful family,” Stabenow added.

On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer acknowledged Stabenow’s announcement, claiming that she has helped deliver “one of the most productive sessions of Congress in a century.”

“Debbie is a great senator, a great friend, a great ally, and a great Michigander,” he praised, and then added that he is “confident Democrats will retain the seat.”

Democrats have been hanging on to a Senate majority by the skin of their teeth. Next election there will be 23 seats for them to defend, including seats held by Independent Senators that generally side with their party: Angus King (ME), Bernie Sanders (VT), and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ).

This is great news for the GOP though, as we already have the House majority. If we could get ahold of the Senate as well, then we will control two branches of our three branch government.

Now if only Republicans could get their heads out of their butts and agree on a speaker for the House!


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