‘Libs of TikTok’ Owner Reveals DeSantis Offered Her Gov. Mansion After Being Doxxed

Governor DeSantis’ decision to help someone in need, has sent many leftist folks in the media and in the government, into outrage.

Chaya Raichik, owner of popular Conservative social media account Libs of TikTok, was doxxed earlier this year in April, by Washington Post columnist Taylor Lorenz.

Despite her efforts to remain anonymous, Raichik was put at risk of being hurt by the very crazies she spent her time exposing.

On Tuesday, Raichik appeared on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson” and revealed that she had received many recurring death threats from Twitter users for sharing videos of liberal figures who promoted gender ideology, pronouns, drag queen story hour and other related content.

She also revealed that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reached out and offered her a place to stay if she did not feel safe.

Raichik told host Tucker Carlson, “When I was doxxed, someone from Ron DeSantis’ team called me and she said, ‘The governor wanted me to give you a message. He said if you don’t feel safe — you or your family — if you need a place to go, to hide, to stay, you can come to the governor’s mansion.’ She said, ‘We have a guest house for you and you can stay as long as you need.”

“I was almost in tears. The governor of Florida, like he has nothing bigger to do,” she continued. “I’m living in California, and he took time out of his — I’m assuming — extremely busy schedule … to send someone to call me to make sure I’m safe. Unreal … It was incredible, I don’t even have the words for it, so grateful.”

She also added on Twitter from the Libs of TikTok account, “I recently got the opportunity to thank @GovRonDeSantis in person. He was so gracious. Brushed it off. He said ‘of course! You do great work!’ It wasn’t even a question for him. Genuinely a kindhearted person.”


Not many authority figures would have reached out and offered her a safe haven, like DeSantis did. Just one more reason to love the governor!


On Key

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