Joy Reid Rants: GOP’s Crusade Against Trans People ‘Dangerous and Evil’

A deranged, transgender woman shot up an elementary school and suddenly the left is defending the shooter and condemning anyone who speaks out about getting these people the help they need? What is going on? The murderer is NOT the victim here!

On Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Joy Reid ranted during her show “The ReidOut,” accusing the right of having a “raging nationwide crusade against transgender people” that is “dangerous and evil.”

Dangerous and evil? Last I checked, we weren’t the ones murdering elementary school kids.

Reid declared, “There is still a lot we don’t know about Monday’s deadly and horrific shooting at a Nashville Christian school. But after the pole said the suspect was transgender, one thing is clear, Tennessee’s all ready under siege transgender community is terrified. One advocate told NBC News, ‘We are already fearing for our lives. Now it is even worse.’

The right-wing moral panic over transgender people living their lives or seeking medical care or simply existing obviously predates the Nashville  massacre, but some on the right are linking their raging nationwide crusade against transgender people in ways that are just dangerous and evil.”

She was referencing comments made by Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night when he said, “The trans movement is targeting Christians, including with violence.

Most Christian leaders in this country don’t want to admit that. Admitting it might force them to take deeply unfashionable positions.”

Reid spat, “There are statistics that show violence against transgender people was already high. Two and a half times more likely to be victims of violence than cisgender people.

From 2017 to 2021, the number of trans people murdered more than doubled. 73 % have been killed with a gun, and yet we are now seeing the moral panic over trans people shifted to this Nashville massacre.”

There are people who need serious mental help in this country, and the people that Reid is targeting are not the ones that need help. The ones she is defending are the ones who need it.

Perhaps Reid should check out the “Trans Day of Vengeance” on Twitter. Perhaps then her mind will change about the people she is vehemently defending.


On Key

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