Hate Crime: Christian School Shooter Was Transgender, Former Student

The Biden administration and liberal mainstream media do not want you to know that the Christian school shooter in Nashville, Tennessee on Monday was actually a 28-year-old transgender woman named Audrey Hale.

Hale was also a former student of the private school that she entered and opened fire in.

Three children and three adults were murdered in her hate filled killing spree: Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, Hallie Scruggs, 9, William Kinney, 9, Cynthia Peak, 61, Katherine Koonce, 60, and Mike Hill, 61.

Hale, who went by “He/Him” pronouns was also killed by police on the scene.

Audrey Hale was identified by police as the gunman who opened fire at the Covenant School on Monday morning, killing six people. 

As Fox News reports:

Hale allegedly shot through a locked door around 10:13 a.m. to gain entry to the school while armed with two assault-style rifles and a handgun, then climbed the stairs to the second floor and opened fire. 

Two Nashville police officers entered the school and went to the sounds of gunfire, where they fatally shot Hale around 10:27 a.m., according to police. 

Drake said that a nearby vehicle gave investigators clues to the shooter’s identity. 

Hale’s home address is about three miles away from the Covenant School, according to public records. The FBI, ATF, and local police cordoned off that home with crime scene tape on Monday afternoon. 

Investigators found a “manifesto” and other writings that they are looking into as they search for a motive.

Hand drawn maps of the school with detailed entry points were also located at the residence. 

Metro Nashville Police Department release a video of 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale carrying out a shooting at Covenant school on March 27, 2023.

placeholderRemember in May 2022, when people like liberal nut Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot gave a “call to arms” for transgenders to stand up and “fight” because the Supreme Court was “coming for us next”?

Many Democrats are pushing this demented type of behavior. These people are already mentally ill. They see messages like this and take it literally.

Just like a couple weeks ago when Jane Fonda called for the left to murder pro-life Christians, who do not believe in abortion.

Boom, next think you know, a Christian school is being shot up. That doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me.


On Key

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