Chuck Todd Declares ‘Beginning of the End of Trump’…Again

Once again, Trump Derangement Syndrome is tearing through the Democratic Party and they are doing anything they can to assassinate his character and cast doubt on the former president.

On Sunday, NBC host Chuck Todd made the audacious claim on KNBC’s “Today in LA Weekend” that America is seeing the “beginning of the end” of Donald Trump’s political career.

Todd’s claim does not seem to mesh with the fact that his supporters have stood strong through the lies and slander over the last six years. It also doesn’t jibe with the news that Trump gained almost 88 million followers on Twitter after his account was reinstated last week, while the current resident of the White House, Joe Biden is still lingering at 28 million and dropping.

Todd, along with the rest of the left, have been declaring the end of Trump for YEARS. Yet here he is, still swinging.

NBC’s Conan Nolan began, “Part of the narrative following the midterm elections that Republicans are finally getting that they can’t win with Donald Trump. They’re tired of losing. Mike Allen of Axios has a piece where he says that he quotes one Republican as saying that President Joe Biden has carefully and cautiously waged war in Ukraine with no American troops, and he has had just one of the best first-term off-election years in history.”

He continued, “And that came from Newt Gingrich. Newt Gingrich is saying Joe Biden is winning, and the Republicans’ hatred for him is ignoring the fact that he is successful. And if he continues to be, they won’t have a chance in 2024. Is this part of the narrative that we’re starting to see, where Republicans are saying, listen, we got to get in the game, and Joe Biden is beating us?”

Todd replied, “Well, I think hearing from people that have been Trump sycophants like Newt Gingrich turned out to be, starting to make that case, you need if you’re trying to purge Trump from the party, you need someone like Newt to give a permission slip to that to the small part of the party that might still listen to Newt on this front. By the way, where all of that stuff got pulled from, Newt Gingrich is also making the case that, you know, Joe Biden is creating this crazy socialist version of America, but by the way, he’s winning. You know, so, it was very carefully cherry-picked quotes out of that column for what it is worth.”

He added, “The rest of the column sort of reads a little bit conspiratorial. But those two comments did stand out. But that is, I think what you’re — I feel like we are seeing the beginning of the end of Trump. I know there are so many times we thought that, but I really think we’re at the Gary Busey phase of ‘The Apprentice’ in that he is just exhausting everybody around him. And the fact that he cannot denounce this hateful rhetoric from Kanye West, I think, could be the last straw for many.”

I wonder if Todd saw the Twitter thread shared by journalist Matt Taibbi, which shows the major censorship and suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 presidential election. Thus proving Trump right all along.

What we are seeing is the absolute OPPOSITE of the end of Trump. In fact, I believe what we are seeing is only the beginning of a new era.


On Key

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