A Letter to the Left: Chasing the Butterfly with a Baseball Bat

Maybe you’ve been told and taught to look at life a certain way—as a struggle against oppression by people who, you’re told, hate you. You’re grasping and fighting for “social justice”; you’re angry, offended, and probably—if you’re honest with yourself—very unhappy.

Your angst and discontent are the fault of “systemic oppression,” perpetuated by small-minded bigots. But you’re progressive, you’re enlightened. You’re moving us into a great humanist utopia that’s just around the corner—once you get these old-system people out of the way.

But what if you’re chasing the butterfly of happiness with a baseball bat? You’re pushing so hard but getting so much resistance. It makes you want to scream at the sky and burn the old world down. Whatever it takes—the end justifies the means.

But what is the end goal? What does your utopian vision look like, and how many butterflies do you have to club out of the air in pursuit of it?

Is it possible you’re chasing the proverbial rainbow, after a pot of gold that you’ll never find?

Stop and think for a moment. Put down your Louisville Slugger and take an objective view of yourself.

In the movie, Return of the Jedi, Luke is instructed by the ever-wise Yoda to enter a cave where he must face his greatest fear. Against sound advice, Luke brings his weapon with him. As the movie dramatically portrays in slow motion, an apparition of Darth Vader appears, dark and menacing—the ultimate “boogeyman.” Vader activates his lightsaber, prompting Luke to do the same. Luke cuts Vader down, but then finds to his own horror that the face inside the mask is his own.

Sometimes we need reminded that our worst enemy can be…ourselves. Our own fear and inner turmoil can make us miserable. Perhaps the people you’ve been taught to hate are not the dark villains you project in the theater of your mind.

Maybe they’re just…people.

Can you pause and consider that maybe, just maybe, you’ve been sold some magic beans that won’t grow a stalk to the sky, but instead a noxious root of bitterness? What if you tried loving instead of hating? Wouldn’t love bring about a better world than hate ever could?

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

What if you tried using love instead of hate? How might it transform you? How could it change the world? Stop and breathe; be open to the possibility that you’ve been taught to hate—yes, you—deliberately manipulated by powers that want us all divided.

What if the thing you’re so adamant about obtaining isn’t what you think it is? Like a movie that’s been overhyped—and then you get to the theater and it’s a letdown—the vision of utopia you were sold only makes you feel empty and alone.

That isn’t peace; that isn’t love.

For those marching and yelling and writing and protesting, what is your end goal? What if you’re pushing so hard for something you cannot catch? You’re striving and grasping for a horizon you’ll never reach.

What if you’re chasing the butterfly of happiness with a baseball bat? Perhaps it’s time to be still and let the butterfly come to you.


Kelly John Walker is an American statesman, senior writer, and entrepreneur. He is Founder of FreedomTalk, Host of FreedomTalkTV, and a freelance writer published in The Washington Times, Gateway Pundit, The Epoch Times, George Magazine, Andrew Magazine, Newsmax, Townhall, and more. Kelly holds a BA in English & Theology, and a Master of Science degree on a graduate fellowship with the US Department of Defense. He had a distinguished career as a conservation professional before founding two award-winning advertising agencies.

His newest project is the “Fathering in a World Gone Mad” series featuring Eric Metaxas, Victor Marx, Sheriff Mark Lamb, Clay Clark, and more.


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