What’s the Greatest Threat to America? Just Ask Wengui Guo/Miles Guo

An old white millionaire stood before a group last weekend and claimed white supremacy as the “most dangerous terrorist threat” to the nation during a graduation address at Howard University. “Stand up against the poison,” said Joe Biden. “White supremacy…is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland.” This is utter demagoguery and nonsense. […]

Documents Reveal Obama-Biden Team Sought to Sabotage Incoming Trump Administration

Confirmed: The Obama administration actively attempted to sabotage President Donald Trump’s incoming administration in 2016. Newly released documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, provide evidence that members of the Obama Administration targeted individuals such as General Flynn through a process known as unmasking. The documents are heavily redacted, however, they show […]

FBI Exposed: How the Bureau is helping the CCP by Persecuting Guo Wengui (Miles Guo)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is out of control. And corrupt. And—whereas J6 turned into a limited riot with only some of those involved guilty of breaking specific laws—it was not an insurrection or an insurgency. The FBI, however, has orchestrated an insurgency against the government that was formed of, for and by the People. Despite what the Legacy […]

Guo Wengui’s Persecution by DOJ Inspires the GUO Act of 2023

by Kelly John Walker The Government Unanimous Oversight Act of 2023 The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and players within the District Court system have operated without accountability for too long. They have acted as rogue unregistered agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with impunity. Those days are coming to an end, as the […]

Is Our Justice System Becoming Indistinguishable from Communist China?

CCP’s Victim #1 appeals pre-trial detention…again. In a bizarre turn of events, while the notorious Southern District of New York (SDNY) is prosecuting Miles Guo (aka Ho Wan Kwok, Guo Wengui), the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York has labeled Guo “Victim #1” of the CCP in need of U.S. protection. The Southern […]

CCP Police Station BUST: FBI Admits Miles Guo (Wengui) is Victim #1 of the CCP

The CCP has deployed, equipped, and funded teams to wage digital warfare, surveillance, and disinformation campaigns Their target, labeled in this Complaint as “Victim 1” is Mr. Miles Guo, and “since Victim-1 fled the PRC (People’s Republic of China), the PRC government has sought his return for prosecution in the PRC and has employed numerous […]

Is DOJ Using Victimless “Crime” to Justify Long-term Detention?

Are Manhattan prosecutors engaged in political persecution on behalf of the CCP by improperly denying bail to Guo Wengui/Miles Guo and Wang Yanping/Yvette Wang? Imagine being indicted for a crime with no victim. For the sake of illustration, let’s say you’ve been arrested for shoplifting…but then the shop owner denies you stole anything. In fact, […]

Are Congressional Investigators Letting China Win?

Congress Needs to Up its Game to Beat Communist China We know the Chinese Communist Party’s game plan. So why isn’t Congress taking control of the field? We have the CCP’s playbook: Unlimited Warfare, a book written by two People’s Republic of China (PRC) colonels. The CCP uses American law as a weapon of war to […]

Is The DOJ Trying Cases Before Trial?

The shocking abuse of power in the Yvette Wang Bail Hearing The Constitution of the United States of America vests authority in judges as officers of the courts. These have the sole judicial power and jurisdiction over cases “in law and equity.” Markedly absent in our most authoritative founding document is mention of a Department […]