Biden Ushered Off Stage as He Grips Mic, Stares Aimlessly into Distance After Tree-Lighting Ceremony

Oh dear….or should I say oh “deer in the headlights,” because that is exactly how President Joe Biden looked on Wednesday evening as he took part in lighting the National Christmas Tree near the White House.

First Lady Jill Biden and LL Cool J waved goodbye to the crowd at the end of the ceremony, but sleepy Joe just gripped the microphone for dear life and aimlessly stared off into the distance like he’d seen the ghost of Christmas past.

As he stood there lifelessly, teetering on the edge between this life and the next, Jill quickly ushered him off the stage…in which he continued his death grip on the mic and took it with him. Yes, he left the stage WITH the microphone.

The scene was cringe-worthy at BEST.

Reporter Greg Price tweeted, “Confused old man makes mic with him,” with a video of the incident.

Check it out:

Once that was posted, the good people of the internet did their job and blew the video up with commentary that is *chef’s kiss*.

One user replied, “Reliving the time I had to take care of a dementia patient. Yup that stare…”

Political columnist Benny Jonson said, “Joe Biden forgot to read the part of the notecard that tells him to leave the mic on the podium,” and someone responded, “This is the man leading our country? I was told there would be a hand basket. God help us.”

“That’s really sad. He looks so lost,” wrote Julie.

Another user added, “It’s getting worse. Forget taking the mic… his confused stare is concerning to say the least. Also, am I the only one who notices that we’ve seen less of him. Not that I’m complaining. Hmm, wonder what’s up?”

Then perhaps my favorite response in the thread, @StandinPatriot said, “He thought it was his ice cream.”

With a follow-up from @KatieDoesTruth that read, “Wait till he licks it. Elder abuse shouldn’t be funny though.”

At this point, I think she is right. This is just elder abuse. Joe Biden should be in a nursing home eating ice cream and watching re-runs of I Love Lucy, not running the greatest country in the world. It’s as if his brain is running on internet explorer!

The more Biden is put on display and shows his absolute lack of sense and cognitive decline, the more other countries see that we are in a weakened state. It would not surprise me at all if Russia or China took this opportunity to make their move.


On Key

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