American Gulag: Families Counter DOJ Cruelty With Love

In this deeply divided, often cynical time, hearing a positive story is like a balm to the soul. Rare accounts of kindness and sacrificial love push through the hardness of the partisan pavement and hope blooms in spite of it all. History has been a struggle of the individual against the abuse of the collective.  […]

Behind the Scenes: Why I Like Mike Lindell!

My name is Kelly John Walker and I recently joined the Lindell Offense Fund (LOF) as Communications Director. After my first trip with Mike in late April, I’m thrilled to share a “behind the scenes” look at Mike Lindell and the tireless work he does. I’ve been in the Fight for Freedom for a number […]

Bill Would Allow Citizens to Personally Sue Federal Authorities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bill Would Allow Citizens to Personally Sue Federal Authorities Coalition for targeted parents presents draft to members of Congress. [Washington, DC]—April 2, 2024 Civil rights attorney and founder of The Gavel Project, Ryan Heath, has drafted language for a proposed bill that would allow citizens targeted by the federal government to sue […]

How Conservative is Gen-Z? A High School Athlete Speaks Out

Being loud, drawing attention to oneself, or just censoring others doesn’t make a group the majority. If you wanted a spitting image of that you would get the liberals of Gen-Z. “What is a liberal or a leftist?” you may ask. Well, the real answer to that is a person who is against America being […]

Is Arizona Congressman Juan Ciscomani a Democrat?

2023 Job Performance: Arizona Republican US Congressmen, Pt. 2 In Part 1 of this series, we compared the performance of Arizona’s six Republican members of Congress. We unpacked their votes regarding the expulsion of representative George Santos from the US House, along with Rep. Thomas Massie’s amendment that would express the sense of Congress that […]

How Will DOJ’s Targeting of School Parents Influence the ‘24 Elections?

An internal FBI memo sent shock waves across the nation when the public learned that the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division had created a “threat tag” to assess and track school parents.  On September 29, 2021 the National School Boards Association (NBSA) sent a letter to the Biden administration comparing parents protesting public school COVID-19 policies, critical […]

2023 Job Performance: Arizona Republican US Congressmen, Pt. 1

How do the Grand Canyon State’s legislators stack up? America is in an existential fight for survival, and the 2024 election will determine the fate of the greatest republic in history. “We are morally obligated to evaluate the conduct of our rulers.” John Locke English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704), whose ideas heavily influenced America’s Founders, […]

Orchestrated Invasion: The CCP’s Border War and the Global Agenda

Frontline agents reveal the unfolding plan to destroy America. This fall, a Border Patrol source warned me of a “massive migrant caravan” headed toward Lukeville, Arizona.  “We’re doing daily patrol flights now in the bird due to the increased violence against agents on the border in Lukeville AZ,” my source revealed. “As soon as agents […]

The Art of Defiance Pt. 1: No Obligation to Obey

Listen to the Article When the Government Rebels Against the People, Natural Law Reigns Supreme. America has careened away from the Rule of Law and skidded into the chaos of Rule by Law (and that one little word change makes all the difference). The government has weaponized against the People, and justice lies bleeding in the streets. Just look at the […]