2023 Job Performance: Arizona Republican US Congressmen, Pt. 1

How do the Grand Canyon State’s legislators stack up?

America is in an existential fight for survival, and the 2024 election will determine the fate of the greatest republic in history.

“We are morally obligated to evaluate the conduct of our rulers.” John Locke

English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704), whose ideas heavily influenced America’s Founders, wrote, “We are all qualified, entitled, and morally obliged to evaluate the conduct of our rulers. This political judgment, moreover, is not simply or primarily a right, but like self-preservation, a duty to God. As such it is a judgment that men cannot part with according to the God of Nature. It is the first and foremost of our inalienable rights without which we can preserve no other.”

Just as we have a civil duty to critique our representatives, it is their duty to make the grade. All of Arizona’s Republican congressional representatives occupying DC offices have passed with flying colors…with one exception.

How Republican Lawmakers Stack Up

DC-based conservative and libertarian advocacy group FreedomWorks maintains a “scorecard” whereby they assign a percentage-based grade to the nation’s legislators. Currently, Senator Rand Paul (KY) holds the top grade with a lifetime score of 97.9%, while Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA) and Representative Al Green (TX) hold the lowest failing grades of 17.8% and 16.6% respectively.

As of January 30, 2024, Arizona’s congressional representatives garnered the following grades:

David Schweikert: 95.7%       A

Andy Biggs: 96.5%                 A

Paul Gosar 92.9%                  A

Eli Crane: 90.9%           A-

Debbie Lesko: 84.5%             B

Juan Ciscomani: 63.6%         D-

FreedomWorks.org exists “to mobilize the center right and politically homeless in America who do not feel their values of limited government, social tolerance, and individual liberty are being represented in political discourse today. We seek to restore common sense and competence to public policy and American political life.”

The respected Heritage Action for America scorecard published these results, with Ciscomani again at the bottom, below the 79% average among all Republicans:

Debbie Lesko: 96%                A

David Schweikert: 92%          A-

Paul Gosar 92%            A-

Andy Biggs: 90%           A-

Eli Crane: 84%                        B

Juan Ciscomani: 72%            C-

Here is a snapshot of key votes by Ciscomani that have drawn criticism:

One less Congressman to hold the Majority


Ciscomani joined Dan Crenshaw and all but two voting Democrat representatives in the successful vote to expel Santos, thereby cutting the Republican majority in the House from the already thin 9-vote majority, making it more difficult to pass legislation without Democratic support. Many are critical of the vote to expel Santos, citing the fact that only six members of the House have ever been expelled in history, three of which were expelled in 1861 for joining the Confederate States of America.

The vote to expel Santos was controversial, drawing ire from some prominent conservatives, including Gateway Pundit Founder and Editor, Jim Hoft, who wrote, “George Santos has not been CONVICTED of a crime. He was indicted by the House Ethics Committee led by Republicans. Meanwhile, Democrat Representatives Jamaal Bowman, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Mad Maxine Waters and others accused of much more serious crimes will never face such a vote.”

Hoft called the 105 representatives who voted to expel Santos “worthless Republicans,” saying, “RINOS and Democrats have been gunning for this day since Santos entered Congress.”


Ciscomani voted no on an amendment, offered by Rep. Thomas Massie, that would express the sense of Congress that the Department of Education should be terminated. This decision put Ciscomani in direct conflict with a national movement of “mama bears,” “papa bears,” influencers and members of the public who’ve had enough of public governmental overreach in education.

Former Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, echoed the strong sentiments of many conservative parents and parental group activists in a keynote speech at a Moms for Liberty summit in July of 2022in Tampa, Florida: “I personally think the Department of Education should not exist.”

Critics have cited damaging coronavirus-related mandates and progressive curriculums like CRT and gender theory as reasons why the Department of Education needs to be abolished, leaving education decisions in the hands of state and local boards.

An October 28, 2023, George Magazine article, “How Will the Targeting of School Parents Affect the 2024 Elections?” highlighted what many consider to be the most egregious attack of all on parental rights and family sovereignty: targeting school parents as “domestic terrorists.”

An internal FBI memo sent shock waves across the nation when the public learned that the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division had created a “threat tag” to assess and track school parents.

On September 29, 2021 the National School Boards Association (NBSA) sent a letter to the Biden administration comparing parents protesting public school COVID-19 policies, critical race theory (CRT) and other issues to domestic terrorists. Five days later, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a DOJ memo directing the FBI to investigate “threats” to school boards.

The public took notice, and so did elected officials—including House Judiciary Committee Republican ranking member Jim Jordan (OH) who hammered Garland for establishing “a snitch line on parents.”

Attorneys General, lawmakers, and others cried foul, including candidates for 2024 legislative seats.

“As a mother and grandmother with a heart for our nation’s children, I am running for US Senate in California to tear down the evil attack against our families and beliefs,” says Sharleta Bassett, a candidate for US Senate from California.

Former Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos

“We mothers, fathers, and grandparents are the frontline defenders, to protect our children from the bloated government systems of schools, city councils, and three-letter agencies labeling parents as terrorists.”

“There must be an end to wrong being called right, and right being called wrong,” she says. “It is time for righteous judgment in our land! As God is my witness as a US Senator for California, I will defend the truth over woke lies and defend our families from this evil by implementing legislation to be passed for parents’ rights and Christian values.”

“The targeting of parents by the DOJ and our federal government has only activated more parents to get involved, as seen at school board meetings and rallies across the country. Engagement in local politics has grown going into the next election cycle.” -Seak Smith, Founder of Mom Army & Dad Army

Kathleen Winn, candidate for US Congress in Arizona CD 6—and a grandmother of 18—echoes those sentiments: “Our citizens cannot be charged as terrorists for simply parenting their children. The Justice system has been weaponized to silence God-fearing, conservative, patriotic men and women who honor the Constitution.”

“As a member of the US Congress, I will honor the Constitution and rule of law while serving the people who elect us,” says Winn. “This is the only job of Congress. I will fight to protect our children and their families.”

Freshman Congressman, Andy Ogles (TN), who voted in favor of abolishing the Department of Education wrote that, “The 2024 election is the best chance the American people have had in a long time to elect representatives that will reign in federal bureaucracy and prevent the far Left from continuing to target people of faith, conscience, and conservative principles.”

Why does Juan Ciscomani stand with the federal bureaucracy and the far left in their stranglehold on American education? The abuses, particularly since the Covid-19 debacle, have been myriad, and the dangerous infiltration of cultural Marxism should have made abolishing the Department of Education a no-brainer.

In Part 2, we will evaluate Rep. Juan Ciscomani’s performance regarding the National Defense, FISA warrantless surveillance authorization, and the War Powers Resolution to remove U.S. armed forces from Syria. It appears Ciscomani supports the “Uniparty” military-industrial complex on these issues.

Arizona’s Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents deserve better.

Kelly John Walker is an American statesman, senior writer, and entrepreneur. He is Founder of FreedomTalk, Host of FreedomTalkTV, and a freelance writer published in George MagazineThe Washington TimesGateway PunditThe Epoch TimesAndrew MagazineTownhall, and others. Kelly holds a BA in English & Theology, and a Master of Science degree on a graduate fellowship with the US Department of Defense. He had a distinguished career as a conservation professional before founding two award-winning advertising agencies. His newest project is the “Fathering in a World Gone Mad” series featuring Eric Metaxas, Victor Marx, Sheriff Mark Lamb, Clay Clark, and more. Find out more at RealFreedomTalk.com.




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