Woke School Board Restricts Career Fair to ‘Indigenous, Black, Racialized Individuals’

Welcome to 2023, where you can be discriminated against if you’re white but it’s justified….because you’re white.

A school board in Ontario, Canada announced that they will be holding a career fair. However, you may only attend if you fit into the category of “Indigenous, Black and Racialized Individuals.” That’s right, no white kids allowed.

LifeSite News reports:

According to the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), the career fair for non-whites only, which will be held March 29, is needed because “Our diverse student body needs and deserves to have role models who understand their lived experiences.”

In a press release about the career fair, the WRDSB stated that Ontario’s Ministry of Education has “identified a significant gap that exists not only in the Waterloo Region but across Ontario.”

WRDSB said, “In response, the ministry has directed boards to encourage diversity in the teaching workforce, as it should be reflective of the diversity in the province.”

They also argued that “when students see themselves reflected in the education system, they perform better.”

The WRDSB claimed that hiring more non-whites is “not only beneficial for Indigenous, Black and racialized students but for all students who can benefit from a diverse and inclusive learning environment.”

The career fair will be hiring for a variety of positions, including janitorial, teaching, and administrative ones.

Once the good people of Twitter caught wind of this insanity, they laid into the school board.

User Jamie Mask criticized the career fair for promoting segregation.

Mask tweeted, “How will you be sorting humans at the door to allow entry? Colour pallettes, facial measurements, eye colour, DNA.”

He added, “Your diverse student body needs and deserves to have role models who don’t practice politics of divisiveness and segregation.”

Quillette associate editor Jonathan Kay also replied, “Great way for @wrdsb students to learn how to become a token hire.”

Another user clapped back, “Doesn’t sound very diverse when you’re excluding nearly 70% of the population based on their skin colour.”

A former Ontario high school teacher also replied to the nonsense fair and blasted the school board for promoting segretation.

Chanel Pfahl tweeted, “So if I understand correctly, white people can’t attend, @wrdsb?”


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