VIDEO: Journos Press Katie Hobbs On Dodging Kari Lake Debate, Ask If She’s ‘Scared To Step On That Stage’

Arizona secretary of state and Democrat gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs was pressed over her refusal to debate Republican opponent Kari lake during an interview with ABC this week.

“Uh, uh, we’re – as far as I’m concerned the debate about debates is over, I’m running my campaign the way I’m running my campaign, I’m gonna continue to make the case directly to voters,” Hobbs claimed when the question of why she dodged debates was raised.

“The case you make to them and not to belabor the point is they do, there are tough times for a lotta folks, we talk about the economy, inflation, and I know there’s a rising cost of living here,” an interviewer pressed.

“People are putting somebody in that office that they want to stand up for them and fight for them,” he continued. “At worst, it could come off as you’re scared to step on that stage, and at best, you’re not willing to confront. We’re in a new era, where sometimes some politicians are seen as bullies, and we’ve been taught since we were little kids you gotta stand up to a bully.”

Hobbs responded, “I have stood up to this bully for the past two years, an Arizonans have seen that and I’m gonna continue to do that.”

“A debate never helps a candidate win,” Hobbs told the Huffington Post on Sunday. “I mean, it is — we’re talking to voters and I guarantee it’s not something they’re concerned about. I guarantee the person who is rationing their insulin or opening their refrigerator and figuring out how they’re going to put food on the table with the groceries they have left for the week … isn’t going to open their ballot and say, ‘Damn, I wish Katie had done a debate.’”


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