Trump Posts ‘Real State of the Union’ Address After Live Reacting to Biden Speech

45th President Donald Trump posted his own “real” State of the Union address to social media, after live reacting to Biden’s speech on Tuesday.

On Wednesday night, Biden made his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress, which included presenting the current economic state of America as a success, along with propping up his infrastructure bill.

Over on Truth Social, Trump live reacted to the speech, pointing out that Biden was claiming some of successes of the Trump administration as his own, and noting that Biden was “stumbling” and “bumbling” through the speech, among other criticisms. “Millions” allegedly flocked to Truth to see Trump’s posts, the 45th President claimed on Wednesday morning.

Following the conclusion of the speech, Trump posted a “little clip” on Truth, featuring his own version of the State of the Union, discussing the “real” shape that the country was in.

Watch Trump’s speech on

“Over the past two years under Biden, millions and millions of illegal aliens, from 160 different countries, have stormed across our southern border,” Trump said, adding that drug cartels are making “billions” off of “smuggling poison” over the border, while “the murder rate has reached the highest in the history of our country.”

In 2022, enough fentanyl was seized by the DEA at the border to kill every single American, and since 2019, the number of Americans who were killed by fentanyl has increased by 94%. 4.2 million migrants crossed the border since the Biden administration took office, with Border Patrol in December reporting a record 16,000 encounters with illegal migrants in 48 hours.

“Biden and the radical Democrats have wasted trillions of dollars, and caused the worst inflation in half a century. Real wages are down 21 months in a row,” Trump continued, nointg that “gas prices have soared, and are now going up much higher than even before, and the typical American family is paying $2,200 in increased energy and food costs each year.”

According to new polling from ABC News and the Washington Post, 41% of Americans say that since the Biden administration took charge, they have gotten financially worse off. This is the worst result in the 37 years of polling that the news outlets have done on the issue, dating back to the Reagan presidency. Only 16% said that they were better off now.

Trump further slammed the “weaponised Justice Department,” which he noted he was a “victim” of, accusing the Biden administration of “waging a war on free speech,” along with leading America to the “brink” of a serious war that could develop out of the conflict in Ukraine.

“But the good news is, we’re going to reverse every single crisis, calamity and disaster that Joe Biden has created,” Trump concluded. “I am running for president to end the destruction of our country, and to complete the unfinished business of making America great again. We will make our country better than ever before, and we will always put America first.”

This news and commentary by Jack Hadfield originally appeared on Valiant News.


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