Senate Passes Legislation to Repeal Military Covid Vaccine Mandate

The United States Senate passed H.R. 7776, also known as the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which is a bipartisan bill to repeal the military’s unconstitutional covid vaccine mandate put in place by President Joe Biden.

Merry Christmas to all who serve!

Senator John Kennedy shared photos of the legislation and declared that he is “glad to see the Covid vaccine mandate for military members get rolled back in the NDAA. America can’t afford to lose the investments we’ve made into our brave service members because of a bad bureaucratic policy.”

Sen. Steve Daines also cheered for the repeal in a tweet stating that he is “glad to fight for Montana’s brave men & women in uniform and support our national security.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn also posted,, “It’s official — the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act has passed the Senate with my measure to repeal Biden’s military COVID vaccine mandate.”

Blackburn also called on the White House “to publicly announce today that President Biden will sign the NDAA into law with the COVID vaccine mandate repealed.”

Republican Senator Rick Scott also praised the bill, but made it clear that it is not enough to just repeal the mandate, and vowed to fight for backpay for all who were  “wrongfully discharged”

He said, “Florida is home to 21 military bases and three unified commands, and proud of the important and strategic role we play in America’s national defense. As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I fought hard this year to make sure the Sunshine State, America’s national security initiatives, our military, veterans and their families got big wins in this NDAA.”

Rick continued, “Since coming to the Senate four years ago, I’ve consistently advocated for major investments in our defense capabilities and to support Florida’s military bases and our military families. The NDAA that passed the Senate today is a huge improvement over President Biden’s woefully inadequate defense budget proposal and a great win for Florida, America’s national security and our military community, but there is still work to do.”

He added, “While I’m glad this NDAA rescinds the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, I will continue to fight so that every service member who was wrongfully discharged has the opportunity to be reinstated with backpay.”

I agree! All who were wrongfully discharged for refusing the vaccine should be given backpay at MINIMUM. Firing people from their occupations for not wanting a foreign substance injected into their body is beyond wrong. Seems the Biden Administration threw body autonomy out of the window the first chance they got!


On Key

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