RuPaul on Banning Drag Shows for Kids: ‘Drag Queens are Marines of Queer Movement”

Years ago, if a certain group of people had to be told to “leave children out of it,” that group deserved to be attacked. Now, if you tell them to “leave the kids out of it,” you’re an insensitive, homophobic, bigot. My how the times have gone woke.

Famous drag queen RuPaul is speaking out about the legislation coming out in states, including Tennessee, which bans drag shows for kids. He claims that there are more important problems in the community that Conservatives should be focusing on.

“Drag queens are the Marines of the queer movement,” RuPaul bitterly spat, calling the legislation “a classic distraction technique” on Wednesday in an Instagram post. He also called on his followers to donate to the ACLU.


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“Hey, look over there! A classic distraction technique, distracting us away from the real issues that they were voted into office to focus on: jobs, healthcare, keeping our children safe from harm at their own school,” RuPaul wrote.

He continued, “But we know that bullies are incompetent at solving real issues. They look for easy targets so they can give the impression of being effective. They think our love, our light, our laughter and our joy are signs of weakness. But they’re wrong because that is our strength.”

RuPaul added, “Drag queens are the Marines of the queer movement. Don’t get it twisted and don’t be distracted. Register to vote so we can get these stunt queens out of office and put some smart people with real solutions into government. And by the way, a social media post has never been as powerful as a registered vote.”

Wow. Imagine being THAT upset that children can’t watch grown men dressed like whores, dance provocatively and act like slutty women.

I sure as heck wouldn’t take my kids to a strip club, or any kind of adult club. Why would I take them to a drag show?

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee recently signed a new bill into law that not only prohibits drag performances on public property and in the presence of children, but also prohibits sex change operations, cross-sex hormone therapy, and puberty blockers for children trying to transition.

Numerous other states are working on passing similar legislation, including Nebraska, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and South Carolina.


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