Researchers Create Lab Altered COVID Strain With 80% ‘Kill Rate’: Report

Researchers at Boston University have developed a new COVID-19 strain with an 80% “kill rate,” according to a new report by the Daily Mail.

The report states that Boston University scientists, echoing similar experiments that people fear started the pandemic, created a “mutant” COVID variant in a laboratory by taking the spike protein from the Omicron strain and attaching it to the original and more lethal Wuhan strain.

The scientists tested this new strain on mice and found that it killed up to 80% of those infected. When tested on human beings, the new strain was determined to be five times more infectious than Omicron.

According to the report, the data suggests that this new lab-made hybrid variant could be the most infectious strain to date.

In “mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80 percent,” the researchers’ non-peer reviewed paper explains.

However, the report states that Boston University maintains that the new hybrid COVID-19 strain is unlikely to be as lethal to humans as it was in rodents, as the “specific breed of lab mice used are very susceptible to severe Covid disease.”

“Mice and humans also have very different immune responses to the virus,” wrote the Daily Mail.

The controversial experiment has reportedly taken place at Boston University’s National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, one of the 13 biosafety level 4 labs in the United States.

Other biosafety level 4 labs that are authorized to conduct similar research are located in Texas, Atlanta and Manhattan, Kansas, the report states.

The news comes after last week’s revelation that a Pfizer executive admitted to the European Parliament that the company never tested the COVID-19 vaccine to see if it prevented transmission of the virus before the jabs entered the market.

During an EU Parliamentary hearing, Pfizer executive Janine Small admitted to MEP Rob Roos that the company never tested the jab’s effectiveness at preventing the virus ahead of their release, Valiant News reported.

This news and commentary by Andrew White originally appeared on Valiant News.


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