Rep. Castro Complains to GOP Governors: ‘Stop Being Heartless Pricks’

On Tuesday, Democrat Representative Joaquin Castro appeared on MSNBC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” and whined that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey need to “stop being pricks.”

MSNBC guest host Alicia Menendez asked, “Do you think the upcoming Congress can get anything done that actually addresses some of the systemic issues that we see when it comes to immigration in America?”

Castro replied, “Yeah, look, we absolutely could. You’ve got a Democratic president, a Democratic Senate, and a Republican House. I’ve seen in the past that where you have divided government like that, it actually provides an opportunity for compromise and for people to come together and sit at the table and work something out.”

He continued, “It’s going to take a lot better faith by Republicans to actually do something from immigration rather than actually using the chaos, creating chaos, and using that as the number one boogieman, which is what they do now. It’s the number one boogieman.”

Menendez pressed, “I wonder what your message is to the Abbotts, to the Duceys and Desantises of the world?”

Castro answered, “Well, I would ask them to stop being pricks, first of all, because that’s what they’re doing. And stop being heartless, but also to actually help us solve this issue, solve this challenge rather than just become the next Republican president in a few years.”


I wonder when Castro will man up and stop wearing his heart on his sleeve. The whining, crybaby look is not becoming on him.

Perhaps if his party acted more like “pricks” and less like pansies, we wouldn’t have such a crisis on our hands when it comes to the southern border and the skyrocketing number of illegal immigrants entering our country.

The bleeding hearts will continue to run the United States into the ground on account of their fragile feelings.


On Key

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