Relief for Targeted Parents: An Open Letter
By Kelly John Walker
[Nashville, TN]— 29 January, 2025
Before a number of political officeholders ran their first race, before many podcasts turned on a mic, we made a stand. In 2020, we turned our new little Tucson coffee shop a safe haven for everyone, and I stood as a shield between thousands of people and tyranny. Military, law enforcement, medical workers, teachers, Raytheon employees and everyone slated to lose their livelihoods if they didn’t get an experimental mRNA shot came to us. We turned no one away and I advocated, marched, wrote, spoke on their behalf. Many nights I kept the shop open late, missing dinner at home to host wall-to-wall meetings.
I stood staunchly for the children and families oppressed by covid policies that drove record numbers of school children to suicide. I laid down my life, my business, my reputation because these families were coming to us begging for help. And I paid a very serious price.
In response, Merrick Garland and his FBI henchmen and the Biden administration teamed with corrupt Pima County administrators who waged brutal WAR against me and my family. They needed to shut me up and silence my whistleblowing and humanitarian activism. (Attached is a list of the punitive, politically motivated, egregious actions they took against my family.)
FBI whistleblower, Garret J. O’Boyle, U.S. Army veteran and former police officer’s story is detailed in The Epoch Times:
The testimony given and allegations made by O’Boyle, former agent Steve Friend, and suspended agent Marcus Allen put them under heavy fire and led to job suspension, loss of income, deeply personal attacks from Democrats, and an uncertain future…The men have been subjected to some of the same treatment that hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants have experienced since early 2021…Even after experiencing the horrors of service in Iraq and Afghanistan, O’Boyle said being targeted by the FBI is worse. “It has taken more of a toll than war, and I think that’s really quite the statement,” he said. “I think part of that is because I never thought I would be a target of my own government for trying to do what’s right, for trying to live up to the oath that I’ve taken.”
As a fellow targeted whistleblower, this is all too familiar to me. This is “unrestricted warfare” that knows no bounds. They will even go after your home and family.
The U.S. government acknowledged that the targeting of school parents, tagging us as “domestic terrorists,” and mobilization of anti-terrorist resources was, as at least 18 U.S. state attorneys general dubbed it, a “massive fraud against the American people.”
For five years now, I have fought for all of us who were targeted. I have been on all the shows, met with Lawmakers in Washington, D.C., written, spoken, given all I have and more. My family’s future has been hijacked, all we worked to build has been taken from us, my reputation is severely damaged, all because I did the right thing at a time when no one else would.
Yet, our government, which brought this devastation upon us, has yet to provide relief and redress of grievances. It has been bittersweet to watch J6 hostages, abortion protestors and others pardoned and helped by President Trump and allies, while our families continue to suffer everything J6 defendants experienced. Of course we rejoice with them, but my wife summed up the angst of many awaiting justice when she wrote, “I made the terrible mistake of trying to imagine what it feels like to be free of this injustice like our friends got last night. I have cried a lot.”
We are close to the point of being in desperate need of help. The attacks on me and my family have put us so far back that I don’t know how we will ever recover. On top of financial and legal concerns, many of us struggle with PTSD and social stigma.
We need the government to redress these grievances, provide immediate relief to families like mine, and investigate the travesty and injustice of this fraudulent miscarriage of justice against upstanding citizens who exposed the real criminals.
We need help, and we need it now. As the most knowledgeable and active advocate for targeted parents and their families, I request an audience with our President on the behalf of many, as I know he is committed to bringing justice for ALL who were unjustly targeted, persecuted, and oppressed by a corrupt regime.
Please make this happen. Many people are counting on it.
- A list of punitive actions taken against me and my family for serving our country
- Testimonials regarding this issue to establish credibility
Kelly John Walker, M.S.
Selected Testimonials
“I thank God for you, Kelly Walker. It’s because of folks like you that I can speak out boldly, and I want to say, ‘God bless you for speaking out and standing. I applaud you for strengthening the Church.’” -Eric Metaxas, author,speaker, producer
“Kelly Walker is an American hero. When faced with the tyranny of a nation he stood tall and protected his family and in so doing protected America. His courage and wisdom are contagious. His work incorporates his experiences and feelings regarding topics close to his heart which he masterfully combines with facts and history.” -Joe Hoft, Gateway Pundit
“As Senior Editor with The Epoch Times, host of ‘American Thought Leaders,’ and a champion of international human rights, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Kelly professionally and as a friend. He is known and respected from Capitol Hill to local communities for his leadership and passion for Natural Rights and constitutional rule of law. He is a gifted writer, speaker, and networker, and most importantly, he has tons of energy! It is my pleasure to recommend him as a Communications Director.” -Jan Jakielek, Senior Editor, host of “American Thought Leaders,” The Epoch Times
“I’ve known Kelly for several years. He is diligent and a multi-dimensional asset to any team he’s on. The thing I like most about him is his love and devotion to God, his family and our country.” -Congressman Eli Crane (AZ), former Navy Seal
“Kelly is an American patriot and a firm believer in the Constitution. He is resilient and has turned his own persecution into a communications career to help protect the free speech and civil rights of others.” -Brad Jones, award-winning journalist, The Epoch Times
“Kelly Walker is a frequent author and contributor to Andrew Magazine, well known for his research and reflections on American civics and social behaviors that were once the norm. Kelly is standing on the shoulders of our nation’s founders. Just as they stood up to tyranny, Mr. Walker has done the same. Just as our founders were assailed by those loyal to the Crown, Mr. Walker has been arrested, fined, spied upon, repeatedly threatened with bodily harm and yet refused to be silenced. As he continues to stand up for children and parent’s rights, he has gathered to himself citizens, politicians, law enforcement, magistrates and judges who also demand equal protection of children and parent’s rights. Andrew Magazine, the fastest growing publication in the nation, applauds his efforts and stands with him without reservation.” -Eric Rickard, Editor, Andrew Magazine
“Kelly is known from Phoenix to DC as a tireless champion for individual human rights and selfless advocacy for those in need of constitutional legal defense. That’s why I asked him to be a board member for the Gavel Project.” -Ryan Heath, AZ Attorney, civil rights activist