Pro-Constitution Organization Puts Free Constitutions in The Hands of American 8th Graders!

In the midst of all the social justice and gender identity indoctrination taking place in public schools, those concerned about the students and future of America have been connecting.

Passionate leaders have assembled organizations to work on programs that ensure children are being taught about our nation’s founding and Constitutional rights.

On school calendars across the land, public school curricula include celebrating our nation’s founding on Independence Day (July 4th). But what about CONSTITUTION DAY?

September 17th has been designated as Constitution and Citizenship Day to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787.

Louisville Mayor Gerald A. Romary originally proclaimed September 17, 1952, as Constitution Day. Congress later established September 17 as Citizenship Day in 2004.

Congress eventually merged Citizenship Day and Constitution day into one observance on September 17th and requires schools to provide educational programming about the Constitution.

Congress passed a provision in 2004 that “Every school and college that receives federal money must teach about the Constitution on Sept. 17, the day the document was adopted in 1787.”

However, too many schools have ignored this law and left our children uneducated about the power of their God-given rights.

However, one woman’s mission has become a nationwide movement.

Joni Bryan is the Executive Director of The 917 Society. Joni is a patriot that loves this country with her entire soul, and she is determined to educate this nation about the federal mandate. Not only does her website have free resources for children and adults of all ages to learn their constitution, but her organization is also working tirelessly, with the help of volunteers and donors, to get a constitution program in every 8th-grade classroom in the country.

The 917 Society is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a passion to encourage young people to know the rights given to them by the U.S. Constitution as citizens.

I had the incredible opportunity of having Joni on my show.

You can watch the interview here:


From their about us page:

“We encourage all Americans to observe this important day in our nation’s history by attending local events in your area. Celebrate Constitution Day through activities, learning, parades, and demonstrations of our Love for the United States of America and the Blessings of Freedom Our Founding Fathers secured for us.”

The organization is made up of people who care about our country. Anyone can join The 917 Society and help us ensure our youth are educated and celebrate our Constitution.

We provide a lasting, durable pocket Constitution for every 8th grader in America free of charge in honor of September 17th – Constitution Day.

The Department of Education sets forth the directive: Commemorating Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

We encourage Federal, State, and local officials, as well as leaders of civic, social, and educational organizations, to conduct ceremonies and programs that bring together community members to reflect on the importance of active citizenship, recognize the enduring strength of our Constitution, and reaffirm our commitment to the rights and obligations of citizenship in this great Nation.

  • September 17 is Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (Constitution Day). This day commemorates the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution.
  • Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year is required to hold an educational program about the U.S. Constitution for its students.
  • This posting is intended to remind affected educational institutions of this responsibility and to provide resources for them to use in developing their program.

We must ensure our children learn the value in and the contents of the founding principles of our nation’s most sacred document:

The 917 Society Constitution Program honoring and celebrating Constitution Day, is now available in all 50 states in 2022.

They have reached out to over 27,000 Middle School Principals to let them know about the free program for their students that is provided by generous donors.

For just $25 dollars, you can SPONSOR AN ENTIRE CLASSROOM. We hope that you contribute to this incredible cause, and do something good for our future generations!

By clicking this link, you are helping me raise $2 million for the youth of our nation!



On Key

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