Newt Gingrich Slams ‘Deluded’ Biden For ‘Living in A Fantasy World’ Ahead Of Midterms

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich castigated the Biden administration’s rhetoric during the current inflation crisis, claiming the White House is “deluded and sitting around in a fantasy world” ahead of the midterm elections.

“It’s just a question of on Election Day or nowadays, since we vote for a whole month on election month, when somebody goes in to vote, do they remember the last time they went to the grocery store?” Gingrich stated during an appearance on Fox News.

“Do you remember the last time they filled up their car?” Gingrich added. “I paid $5.05 a gallon on Saturday, and Biden the other day was totally false in claiming the price of gasoline. He used a number that doesn’t exist and has not existed anywhere in America since he’s been president.”

“So you have to assume the White House is deluded and sitting around in a fantasy world,” Gingrich continued. “But I think as real Americans face crime in the street, they face prices at the gas station, prices at the grocery store, and they’re going to start facing layoffs as the Federal Reserve keeps raising interest rates.”

Gingrich concluded, “I just think in the end, they go in and say, this ain’t working, and they vote against the Democrats and that means they vote Republican.”

The former Speaker stated earlier this month that President Biden’s decision to label Republicans “semi-fascists” was “the greatest act of aggression by an American president against his own people that we have ever seen.”

“To have a president of the United States characterize half of his country in the way that Joe Biden does is the greatest act of aggression by an American president against his own people that we have ever seen,” Gingrich stated. “It’s truly an astonishing moment. It doesn’t fit any of our prior history.

This news and commentary by Gabriel Keane originally appeared on Valiant News.


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