GOSAR: Musk Must Restore Trump, Anyone Twitter Banned For ‘Hate Speech’ or ‘Misinformation’

Rep. Paul Gosar has called on Elon Musk to unban on Twitter anyone who was unjustly removed under the current left-wing administration.

“Twitter has a long record of suspending or cancelling conservatives with opposing views that threaten their woke ideology and agenda,” Gosar told Valiant News in a statement. “One must look no further than Donald J. Trump’s Twitter account. However, the list is long and there are no shortages of other examples.”

“Twitter does not hide the fact that it censors conservative speech to deny the truth and silence those who refuse to kneel and worship at the throne of Big Tech wokies,” Gosar said. “I support free speech and would love to see President Trump back on Twitter or anyone else that has been wrongfully censured for that matter.”

Paul Gosar
Rep. Paul Gosar delivers a speech at a TPUSA event in 2021 (Gage Skidmore / Flickr)

As Valiant News reported on Tuesday, Twitter accepted a renewed offer from South African billionaire Elon Musk to buy the platform for $54.20 a share, amounting to around $44 billion in total.

“We write to notify you that the Musk Parties intend to proceed to closing of the transaction contemplated by the April 25, 2022 Merger Agreement, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth therein and pending receipt of the proceeds of the debt financing contemplated thereby,” a notice filed to the SEC and the Delaware Chancery Court by Musk’s lawyers reads.

Following the news, Gosar, tweeted that if Musk now really went ahead with his purchase of Twitter, then he should “reinstate every account banned for so-called ‘hate speech’, ‘misinformation’, or any other made up term used by the Left to silence their opposition.”

In May, Musk told an audience at a conference organised by the Financial Times that he would look to “reverse” Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter, which he labelled a “mistake,” because “it alienated a large part of the country.” Musk also attacked the entire principle of permanent bans, which he said should be “extremely rare” and mainly reserved for spam or scam accounts.

Writing in the New York Times, Kevin Roose noted that the takeover from Musk will “generate enormous backlash among Twitter’s rank-and-file employees,” given that Twitter has “a vocally progressive work force.”

However, despite the mass of leftist employees, Gosar remained confident that Musk would be able to tackle the challenges ahead.

“Elon Musk is an incredibly successful businessman,” Gosar concluded. “I’m sure he will right the ship at Twitter.”

This news and commentary by Jack Hadfield originally appeared on Valiant News.


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