Zelensky Promises an ‘Unpleasant Surprise’ for Russia in Near Future

According to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia will be getting an “unpleasant surprise” soon, in regards to their invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing war since then. If he is planning some sort of attack, why would he reveal his hand by warning Russia? Zelensky isn’t the smartest cookie in the jar. https://twitter.com/CatherineUSA1/status/1656667649131290628 As Breitbart […]

Russia Turns Attention – Blames US for Alleged Drone Assassination Attempt

After accusing Ukraine of an assignation attempt on President Vladimir Putin via a drone, on Wednesday, Russia turned their attention and blame towards the United States on Thursday. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said during briefing to reporters that Washington should be aware that Russia is onto them for selecting targets, and that Ukraine was merely […]

Russia Accuses Ukraine of Early Morning Assassination Attempt on Putin

Russia is coming full force at Ukraine with claims that the Kremlin foiled a drone attack meant for President Vladimir Putin, early Wednesday morning. Russia has called it an “terrorist” act and promised retaliation, but Ukraine has denied all involvement. At the time of the alleged drone attack, Putin was not in the Kremlin, but […]

Japan Breaks with U.S. Allies, Buys Russian Oil Above $60-a-Barrel Cap

Over the last week, Brazil and China announced that they will no longer be trading in U.S. dollars, but rather using their own currency instead. Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Iran have since followed suit. This means serious trouble for the United States, as this will cause our dollar to collapse and our economy to go […]

Former Treasury Secretary Warns of Dollar Collapse, ‘Raging Inflation’

Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Monica Crowley, who served under Donald Trump, is sounding the alarm on a possible collapse of the U.S. dollar. She explained that if Saudi Arabia were to begin trading oil in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, we would see a “complete implosion” of both […]

Exculpatory Evidence: Is Miles Guo Being Denied Due Process?

The “fox hunt” for prominent Chinese dissident, Mr. Miles Guo reads like a Cold War-era spy novel. Indeed, the U.S. is in a high-stakes cold war against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with the tendrils of their malign influence pervading our legal system like a cancer. That infiltration raises the question as to whether or […]