Brazilians Demand Military Action Over ‘Stolen’ Election, Silent Bolsonaro Meets With Military, Defense Chiefs Today

Brazilians have reportedly taken to the streets in massive numbers to express their disapproval with the results of their presidential election that saw incumbent right wing populist Jair Bolsonaro defeated by the World Economic Forum-backed leftist opposition candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva by extremely narrow margins earlier this week.

According to the official results, Bolsonaro lost to da Silva by less than two percentage points, the smallest margin in the history of modern Brazil. The purported defeat also came after months of Bolsonaro sparring with election officials and the private company behind Brazil’s digital-only elections.

Now, civil unrest has gripped the nation, with pro-Bolsonaro protesters blocking streets throughout Brazil. Bolsonaro has yet to make any public statements.

So far, over 200 roads across more than a dozen states in Brazil, including the capital, have been blocked by frustrated Brazilian voters who have also cut off access to Sao Paulo international airport, forcing 25 flights to be cancelled, reports say.

In addition to blocked roads and highways, protestors have also shut down the the port of Paranagua in Parana state, and Brazilian business leaders are even reporting food shortages.


Separate reports say that the Brazilian people have taken to the streets en masse demanding that the national armed forces be activated over the “stolen” election results, and have scheduled a “mega demonstration” on Wednesday in front of the Brazilian army barracks.

Bolsonaro, who has not conceded the election, is reportedly set to meet with the heads of the Brazilian Navy, Air Force, Defense, Justice, and Public Security alongside his Chief of Staff Ciro Nogueira and running mate General Walter Braga Netto at his presidential palace in Brasilia on Tuesday morning.

Joe Biden yesterday issued a tweet to Lula congratulating the former corruption convict and current WEF agenda contributor on his alleged election victory, and oddly made a specific note insisting that the election was “free, fair, and credible.”

According to the Biden administration, there is no way that the results of the Brazilian election could possibly be corrupt.

“I send my congratulations to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on his election to be the next president of Brazil following free, fair, and credible elections,” Biden insisted. “I look forward to working together to continue the cooperation between our two countries in the months and years ahead.”

This news and commentary by Andrew White originally appeared on Valiant News.


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