Tonic Masculinity: The Progressive Puritans

  Real men have a genuine concern for others, and they will do their best not to purposely offend, but taking responsibility for others’ feelings is not, and cannot be, a quality of Tonic Masculinity. Strong men are not concerned with the nebulous and shifting notion of “political correctness.” Perhaps surprisingly, the refusal to take ownership of other people’s […]

Tonic Masculinity: Tenacity

My mother taught me a lot about tenacity. I remember her as sweet, mischievous, and funny, but she also had a certain moral toughness that is written into my DNA. She stood up for what was right and she would not back down. Abraham Lincoln said, “Be sure you put your feet in the right […]

VA Restaurant Refuses Service to Group for Being Christian, Conservative

On Wednesday, members of Family Foundation were refused service at the Metzger Bar and Butchery, simply for being a Conservative, Christian advocacy group. The restaurant in Richmond, Virginia took to Facebook in an attempt to defend themselves, stating that the group’s beliefs allegedly made LGBTQ and female staffers feel threatened. The staffers feel that Family Foundation “seeks […]