Excerpted from the September issue of FreedomTalk Magazine!

Pure democracy is the surest path to power for the communists, globalists, and technocrats bent on subjugating all humanity.

Does that surprise you? Isn’t democracy a good thing?

Classical Athens is known at the birthplace of democracy, where a democratic assembly would meet in an arena filled with, as Lawrence Torcello, called it, “rhetoric unconstrained by any commitment to facts or truth,” where those who “sought influence…focused on controlling the audience’s emotions rather than influencing their logical thinking.

Power belonged to anyone who could harness the collective will of the citizens directly by appealing to their emotions…

Does that sound familiar?

“’Postmodern’ thought, ‘social constructivism,’ ‘narratives’ and ‘personal truth’ have supplanted critical thinking—the use of facts and logic to support one’s position,” reads an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal from 2020. “It’s even been suggested that logic has its roots in (wait for it) ‘white privilege,’ and anyone who offers a rational argument that is not commensurate with victim culture is somehow racist. It’s no surprise that newsrooms are packed with people who can only parrot the faddish prejudices of the day and cannot think straight.”

“Does not tyranny spring from democracy?” -Plato 380 B.C.

“There lay the trap [of democracy]: Power belonged to anyone who could harness the collective will of the citizens directly by appealing to their emotions rather than using evidence and facts to change their minds, according to Torcello.

No wonder Plato asked in 380 B.C., “Does not tyranny spring from democracy?”

“Misleading speech is the essential element of despots, because despots need the support of the people. Demagogues’ manipulation of the Athenian people left a legacy of instability, bloodshed and genocidal warfare, described in Thucydides’ history. That record is why Socrates—before being sentenced to death by democratic vote—chastised the Athenian democracy for its elevation of popular opinion at the expense of truth. Greece’s bloody history is also why Plato associated democracy with tyranny in Book VIII of “The Republic. It was a democracy without constraint against the worst impulses of the majority.”

Democracy is the greatest danger to a representative republic. Pure democracies have always failed, as witnessed by the turbulent history of ancient Athens. Rule by the mob negates the rights of minorities and inevitably leads to tyranny.

This is why the Founders of the American republic, in their wisdom, rejected democracy and instead, formed a republic modeled more after Rome than Greece.

The Federalist Papers along with the more contemporary book, The Roots of American Order by Russell Kirk both contain a great deal of wisdom demonstrating that democratic rule has been weighed and found wanting. A good reading of these sources makes the current cliché, “a threat to our democracy” ring rather hollow.

As Aristotle wrote, “The middle class is in most states generally small; and the result is that as soon as one or other of the two main classes—the owners of property and the masses—gains the advantage, it oversteps the mean, and drawing the constitution in its own direction it institutes, as the case may be, either a democracy or an oligarchy.”

The American Revolution succeeded because it was based on republican, not democratic principles.

At present, an oligarchy—which we refer to as “the elite”—is running our country, promoting its own interests at the expense of the American people. They have operated in shadows, paying lip service to the values of the Republic while cleverly undermining them. They’ve had the Administrative State (FBI, DOJ, etc.) playing defense to hide their corruption. They thrive on the “useful idiots” who can be emotionally manipulated. (Think “JOY!”)

But in recent years, this oligarchy of the elite has been exposed and the People are rising up to take back our representative Republic. Donald Trump and his followers are committed to destroying those who would destroy the Republic, and that is why the Administrative State is constantly attacking those who would “make America great again.”

The American Revolution succeeded because it was based on republican, not democratic principles. The French Revolution, predicated on democratic principles, was an abject, bloody failure that led people right back into tyranny.

The democratic elite in America talk about “defending democracy,” not because they genuinely care about the “little people,” but because they know that the mob rule of pure democracies always degrades into chaos, and chaos ushers in tyranny. Pure democracy is the kleptocrats’ surest path to power.

We have a constitutional crisis in America—yes—but our Republic is not yet done; it can still be redeemed. Tearing up or overhauling the Constitution is not the answer; a spiritual awakening is!

“Protecting democracy” is not the concern we should have—that is sophistry and naive to the extreme. Our greatest national imperative is restoring our virtue as a people and renewing our adherence to the timeless principles of the Constitution and our Republic under God.

Americans, rend your hearts, not your Constitution.

Kelly John Walker is an American statesman, senior writer, and entrepreneur published in The Washington Times, Gateway Pundit, The Epoch Times, George Magazine, Andrew Magazine, Newsmax, Townhall, Law Enforcement Today, and more. Kelly holds a BA in English & Theology, and a Master of Science degree on a graduate fellowship with the US Department of Defense. He had a distinguished career as a conservation professional before founding two award-winning advertising agencies.

FreedomTalk, founded by Kelly John Walker, is dedicated to restoring the soul of America by boldly promoting Western values & Judeo-Christian virtues. FreedomTalkTV and FreedomTalk Magazine.


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