W.H.O. Do You Think You Are? Is The World Health Organization taking over?

The W.H.O. is just there to protect us and ensure global health, right? Wrong. Join researcher, activist, and author, James Roguski on Freedom Talk as he discusses their pandemic treaty, proposed amendments to the long-standing International Health Regulations, and how they’re working on quietly stealing our freedoms across the globe unless we create more awareness and demand that our governments take action and officially reject these proposals. In their view, silence is compliance. We have a few months left to make our voices heard, so we need to start right now. Luckily, James has done the heavy lifting, so all you need to do is go to his websites to learn about it and take advantage of the resources he has made available to simplify the process. stopthewho.com screwthewho.com exitthewho.com Watch FreedomTalkTV episodes at RealFreedomTalk.com or Spreely.TV. Download the FreedomHub App to watch Spreely TV shows, shop patriotic merch and more! Follow @RealFreedomTalk on Instagram.

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