Conspiracy Theories vs. Political Truths

On a recent podcast, Joe Rogan tore into the “key findings” of a 500-page Congressional report about the COVID-19 pandemic madness. According to Rogan, the report “basically said all the conspiracy theorists were correct. Every single one of them.”[1] He then went on to lambast the report further because there were “no repercussions, no retractions, no apology from Rachel Maddow. None of it!”[2]

Many of us feel his frustration. Still, the pandemic turned a number of so-called conspiracy theorists into celebrities. Many of whom stood up to the prevailing political truths at great peril to themselves both professionally and personally.

On one occasion, I exchanged emails with one of the more celebrated medical professionals. He told me that we needed to fight the medical establishment and their tyranny. I argued, we would only be fighting the symptoms and not the real disease. The tyranny imposed by Big Pharma and their minions, I explained, was only a manifestation of a much bigger threat. Political truths such as those spread throughout the pandemic are a mere construct of the controlling political class.

Perhaps the most repeated political truth that we hear from the D.C. class is the one about the rule of law.  The political class repeats the mantra that we are a “nation of laws” over and over again. Yet, the actual truth is that the laws promulgated by the political class do not actually conform to “the supreme law of the land.”[3] The recent elections are illustrative of this point.

For example, we are now being told by the incoming party that there’s going to be “significant” changes to the FDA’s “rules governing food additives, to fulfill Kennedy and President-elect Donald Trump’s Make America Healthy Again pledge to get toxic chemicals out of the food supply.”[4] In other words, since the Republicans will be in control, they are the ones who get to make the rules now. Put another way, they will be the ones who will be telling you what you can and cannot eat.

One would easily expect this political truth to cause some anxiety after having lived through the most recent pandemic. The government told us at that time what we could wear, how to interact socially, how to worship, and how to protect ourselves by mandating experimental drugs and by prohibiting safe and natural remedies.

Many at the time were even calling for the non-compliant conspiracy theorists to be jailed and to be refused critical medical services. In case you missed it, there was also a time when RFK, Jr. believed that climate deniers should be jailed for not believing the political truths of the controlling political party at the time.[5] He is the one who will now be making the rules governing our food choices.

We need to understand that the entire federal government apparatus has gone rogue and that the Constitution is merely window dressing to which both sides give lip service. This behavior is the actual disease that I was talking about in my prior email exchange for which the real cure is the Constitution itself.

With very few exceptions, it has become completely acceptable on both sides of the aisle to allow Congress and the administrative state to pass laws (i.e., rules) that regulate everything outside of their Constitutional powers. Recently, I came across an article by the venerable Ron Paul who explained it this way – “The Constitution only creates three federal crimes: treason, piracy, and counterfeiting. All other crimes are under the jurisdiction of state and local governments.”[6]

This observation echoes what James Madison taught – “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”[7] In other words, the federal government has no authority to ban such things as “toxic chemicals out of the food supply” even if it might be done for all the right reasons. Yet, conservatives are cheering on the prospect of this clearly unconstitutional activity.

Madison further explained that without a specific list of powers, the federal government’s “power and authority would extend to all cases” and “usurpation might be expected to the fullest extent,”[8] a condition in which we now find ourselves as was most profoundly illustrated during the late pandemic.

Here’s the truth – we do not need different rules from the FDA or any other unconstitutional federal agency in order to proliferate the conservative’s version of political truths. What we need is for the federal government to strictly adhere to our U.S. Constitution and to its specific list of powers.

As I’ve noted, the real disease is that we have a rogue federal government that regulates everything and refuses to be confined to its few, specific powers. This is neither a conservative nor a liberal issue. It is a question of whether or not we truthfully believe in our U.S. Constitution or in someone else’s electoral mandate.

Most of us expect that liberals will always be lawless because they want to make the rules and force the Constitution to conform to their truth[9] all the while proclaiming that “no one is above the law.” They ignore the truth that the Constitution is actually “the supreme law of the land.” Yet, if the truth be told, conservatives are just as dangerous, since they feign fidelity to the Constitution without understanding it.

Historically speaking, the last time both conservatives and liberals actually recognized the limitations on government’s powers was in 1919 during the ratification of the 18th Amendment also known as Prohibition. Just as there is nothing in the Constitution authorizing the banning of “toxic chemicals”, there is not a single word in it that pertains to the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol outside of the 18th Amendment. This is the real reason we have that Amendment. Congress clearly and undeniably lacked the authority to pass any law prohibiting the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol so they needed to amend the Constitution in order to do it. This truth has clearly been lost to history.

Everything changed by 1970, when Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), which prohibited “the manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution” of every drug known to man. This is almost the exact same language used in the 18th Amendment, but the 18th Amendment only regulated one drug.

Hamilton left no room for speculation on this topic as well. Laws passed by the federal government “which are NOT PURSUANT to its constitutional powers,” he explained, “will be merely acts of usurpation, and will be deserved to be treated as such.”[10] In other words, he was telling us that politicians are not above the “supreme law of the land.”

Instead of baying like spectators at a football game over every single one of President Trump’s nominations to head up these unconstitutional agencies, we should be questioning why the government needed a full-blown constitutional amendment to regulate the manufacture, sale and distribution of just ONE drug, otherwise known as alcohol, but didn’t need an amendment in 1970 to regulate EVERY drug known to mankind? This brings me back to the problem of constitutionally ignorant conservatives.

You may recall that, in 1968, a Republican President won the White House in a landslide election. He was the one who signed the CSA into law, and Congress has been passing laws regulating everything else under the sun since that time, thereby making the Constitution’s limitations meaningless.

President Nixon also took us off of the gold standard thereby destroying any semblance of the nation’s currency to what is actually authorized under our Constitution. In the immortal words of our illustrious first black president, President Nixon simply amended our constitution with “a pen to sign executive orders.”

These actions of a conservative President in 1970, who was also elected in a landslide, was a constitutionally defining moment. Besides engaging in its current boundless law-spree, Congress also began to print unlimited amounts of free money with no accountability whatsoever.

When we focus exclusively on our so-called electoral landslide mandate instead of the Constitution, we always end up with things like the CSA and worthless paper money. We also get things like the FDA telling us what we can and cannot eat. We get little Nazis like Fauci and Biden telling us that they are losing their patience with those of us who refused to take their bioweapon gene therapy shots. We also get foreign meddling and disastrous unconstitutional wars. We also get uncontrolled spending along with its attendant graft and corruption. We also get a governmental tyranny to the “fullest extent” just as Madison predicted.

Truthfully speaking, we have become a nation that is personality driven instead of being Constitutionally anchored. In fact, there is not a single, major clause in the Constitution that is not being violated on a regular basis today because of our love of personalities.

When we place too much confidence in a personality instead of the Constitution, we start believing in the political truths coming from D.C. instead of the actual truths found in the Constitution. Jefferson articulated the gold standard for American politics when he taught us that “In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution.”

If President Trump does not destroy all of the unconstitutional administrative agencies, including the FDA, and help scale back the federal government to their “few and defined” powers specified under our U.S. Constitution, including the executive’s lack of power to fight wars without a Congressional declaration of war,[11] the tyranny will never end.

Violating the Constitution’s specific “few and defined” list of powers is the disease that manifested itself so clearly during the pandemic. The only way to save our Republic is to actually start following the Constitution as it is written, and to stop believing the hyped political truths coming out of D.C. from the party that is in control.

As Madison explained, the federal government can only exercise powers involving “war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce;”[12]  In other words, the federal government only has the power to strengthen the military and to enforce our naturalization process, regulate international commerce, and to return to sound money. Anything else they do is prohibited, unconstitutional and treasonous.

The political truth coming out of D.C. is that the “Rule of Law” does not apply to the ruling political class, since they clearly do not follow “the supreme law of the land”. Their “Rule of Law” mantra that they keep spouting is used to keep you from challenging their illegitimate actions so that you will obey their unconstitutional laws without question just like we saw during the 2020 pandemic.

This is the actual truth. It is not a conspiracy theory, and you should know that anyone who says differently is selling something, and it’s most definitely NOT the Constitution.

Madame Publius




[2] Id.

[3] U.S. CONST. ART. 6, §2.




[7] Madison, The Federalist Papers, Ltr. 45, ¶6.

[8] Id.

[9] “You do what you think is right and let the law catch up.” Justice Thurgood Marshall

[10] Hamilton, The Federalist Papers, Ltr. 33, ¶7.

[11] Trump considering preemptive attack on Iran.

[12] Madison, The Federalist Papers, Ltr. 45, ¶6.


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