Is The DOJ Destroying Presumption of Innocence Through Wengui Guo/Miles Guo, Others?

by Kelly John Walker George Santos was arrested Wednesday, May 10 by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and charged with seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds and two counts of lying on congressional financial forms. Obviously, he’s guilty, right? Not so fast… Presumed Innocence is […]
Is Our Justice System Becoming Indistinguishable from Communist China?

CCP’s Victim #1 appeals pre-trial detention…again. In a bizarre turn of events, while the notorious Southern District of New York (SDNY) is prosecuting Miles Guo (aka Ho Wan Kwok, Guo Wengui), the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York has labeled Guo “Victim #1” of the CCP in need of U.S. protection. The Southern […]
CCP Police Station BUST: FBI Admits Miles Guo (Wengui) is Victim #1 of the CCP

The CCP has deployed, equipped, and funded teams to wage digital warfare, surveillance, and disinformation campaigns Their target, labeled in this Complaint as “Victim 1” is Mr. Miles Guo, and “since Victim-1 fled the PRC (People’s Republic of China), the PRC government has sought his return for prosecution in the PRC and has employed numerous […]
Collusion of the Century: DOJ, CCP, and Big Media’s Conspiracy to Take Down Miles Guo

by Matthew Palumbo Half an hour before the Justice Department first published on its website an unsealed indictment and the arrest of Miles Guo, Bloomberg had already published a 1,200-word article detailing SDNY’s allegations against Mr. Guo. It’s apparent that Bloomberg knew about this then-still-sealed indictment before DOJ released it to the public. Micheal Bloomberg […]